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Tag: qiskit

Bundled QC Circuit on Qiskt (Index error)

I’m trying to execute a list of ciruits on qiskit, but was faced with this strange dilemma: I did not transpile any circuit before adding it to the list nor am I transpiling it during execution. Does anyone have an answer to why this is happening? Edit: I’m not using a schedule either. Answer That error would be caused by

Qiskit and IPython conf files do not exist

I had installed the qiskit-textbook distribution of Qiskit using this command : pip install git+ The tutorial then said to change the contents of the configuration file located at ~/.qiskit/settings.conf but I can’t find the folder at ~/. I can’t find the iPython configuration file either at ~/.ipython/profile_default/ for some reason. How do I fix this? Answer If you don’t
