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Tag: pytorch

MultiHeadAttention giving very different values between versions (Pytorch/Tensorflow

I’m trying to recreate a transformer that was written in Pytorch and make it Tensorflow. Everything was going pretty well until each version of MultiHeadAttention started giving extremely different outputs. Both methods are an implementation of multi-headed attention as described in the paper “Attention is all you Need”, so they should be able to achieve the same output. I’m converting

RuntimeError: Attempted to set the storage of a tensor on device “cuda:0” to a storage on different device “cpu”

Earlier I have configured the following project using Pytorch with CUDA=10.2, Now Pytorch with CUDA=10.2 support is not available for Windows. So, when I am configuring the same project using Pytorch with CUDA=11.3, then I am getting the following error: Please help me in solving this problem. Answer I solved this by adding map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage.cuda() in the

What does Tensor[batch_mask, …] do?

I saw this line of code in an implementation of BiLSTM: I assume this is some kind of “masking” operation, but found little information on Google about the meaning of …. Please help:). Original Code: Answer I assume that batch_mask is a boolean tensor. In that case, batch_output[batch_mask] performs a boolean indexing that selects the elements corresponding to True in
