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Tag: python-importlib

Enum comparison become False after reloading module

I have MyEnum, an enumerate derived from enum, defined in a file such as : Then, I import this file using the importlib.import_module() method. I create a an instance of my enumerate, and test its value : it is correct, as intended. However, if I reload my file, using importlib.reload(), a is no longer equal to MyEnum.ONE. What is

Import error: DLL load failed in Jupyter notebook but working in .py file

I installed BreakoutDetection the module in Anaconda environment. When I tried to import the module using import breakout_detection in jupyter notebook, I get the below error I could import the same module in python shell I looked at the system paths (print sys.path) and in both python shell and jupyter notebook. They both are the same. Executable path (print sys.executable)
