CMYK color values are typically set as percentages out of 100, for example CMYK(100, 0, 70, 50) makes dark green. However it seems in Pillow one must multiply each value by 2.5 to get the same color. In the images below, the top and bottom “Hello World” text is set using the following code: For reference I’ve included an image
Tag: python-imaging-library
Python Pillow resized image (manga) page details are bad compared to the Photoshop
I have a manga page that has a resolution of 1360×1920. I want it to reduce to 496×700. This is a part of the image without resolution reduced. This is after lowering the resolution to 496×700. This is the Photoshop version after the lowering resolution In short, what photoshop does under the hood to get the result I have shown
Replace pixel value in RGBA numpy array
I have a 2D array of RGBA values (Ex: [30, 60, 90, 255]) and I want to replace all white [255 255 255 255] with [0 0 0 0]. What is the simplest way to do this? Using for loops I have tried assigning a new array to an index but the index does not change: Answer You can use
Pasting an image in Pillow makes everything black and white
Every time that I’d paste anything to template.png (which is totally transparent) It’ll get this weird black effect that I’ve got no idea where it’s coming from. I’ve tried creating different python file, reinstalling python and Pillow, creating another directory, restarting my computer but nothing seems to solve it. The problem has been ongoing for two days now, it would
How to fix Tkinter dead frezzing or crashing because of huge data?
I am trying to make a program to display one single image (.png extension) at once but giving a button to the user to change the picture. What I have done is: Reading the Image from my directory with help of Pillow module Appended it to a list With a button I increase or decrease the index of the list.
How can I NOT save an image in PIL?
I have seen only way to save all the images in PIL but i dont want to save them all. I’m making a discord bot to send the meme with the user profile picture in space. Using Visual Studio Code Any way i just save a pile of useless images in my laptop? i tried removing the save line as
Merging of Three Images in Single Row And Fourth Image in Next Row Using PIL In Python
I am trying to merge multiple images and as per requirement its working as explained below. I am expecting 3 images should come in one single row and 4th image should come in next row but as per provided output for below image i am getting improper sequence of images i.e. Cat, Dog and Apple should come in one single
Embedding Matplotlib plot inside Tkinter Label
I just put together this basic retirement savings calculator using python. While this works, I had a couple of questions: Is there a way to embed the plot directly, i.e. without saving it as a PNG and then loading it again? Line 30 reads img.image = render. While I understand that this updates the image attribute for the label defined
How do I create a checker board pattern?
I am trying to write a code that can generate an checker board pattern. The final image size should be 100 x 100, the checker board size 5 x 5, such that each box has dimensions h/5 and w/5. The code I have is wrong: Answer I know it’s already been answered, here’s a way to loop over it differently
Pillow Not installing on Apple Silicon
I am having a nightmare of a time installing Pillow on my apple silicon. Everytime I attempt to install it, it throws a truly massive error which I have posted below. It says wheel is not installed but it is installed. It also says to refer to the Pillow page which I have done. I also installed homebrew and tried