I am working with streamlit to create a tool that takes user input (csv file name) and cleans/produces output as a dataframe. I continuously get OSError: [Errno 22] Invalid argument: ‘M:/Desktop/AutomationProject/’ I am aware of all the past solves of this error, however they all say change backslash to forward slash on windows and this is a quick fix, however
Tag: python-3.x
Cumulative count of column based on Month
I have a dataframe that looks like this: Code Period A 2022-04-29 A 2022-04-29 A 2022-04-30 A 2022-05-01 A 2022-05-01 A 2022-05-01 I have to create a new column, i.e., if the month ends then Count should start from 1. Below is the code that I have tried at my end. Code Period size A 2022-04-29 2 A 2022-04-30 1
How to combine a list of lists into a dictionary where the first sublist is mapped to corresponding values in all subsequent sublists?
I have a list of lists, where the first list is a ‘header’ list and the rest are data lists. Each of these ‘sub’ lists are the same size, as shown below: I want to merge all of these ‘sub’ lists into one dictionary, using that first ‘sub’ list as a header row that maps each value in the row
unit test of function in different directory gives AttributeError: module has no attribute
What specific syntax must be changed below in order for a unit test running in one part of a file system to successfully test a function in a class that is located in a completely different part of a file system? The test file is located at C:pathtosome-test-classestest_an_example.py The class being tested is located at C:\completely\different\path\an_example.py The problem might be
How Can I create an event that run a function each time the event is set?
I would like to set up a system with python3 that would launch a function each time an event is called. I would like to rewrite this javascript code in python I wrote tried this code but the function runs only once Answer First I will post the right code to solve your problem and then I will explain. An
Find root to leaf path with given sum. Code succeeds with string, fails with list
I am looking at a binary tree problem. The goal is to find all path(s) from root to leaf, such that the values on the path sum up to a given k. For that purpose I have written the same algorithm in two different ways: The first version uses a string parameter a. The second version uses a list parameter
How to fix IntegrityError: (psycopg2.errors.ForeignKeyViolation) update or delete on table “users” violates foreign key constraint
I have two tables created with Flask-SQLAlchemy below – they have a one to one relationship. I would like to update the user table in a case when the user would like to have a new username: The db.session.commit throws the following error: The error says the logo table still has the old username but I have updated it and
Appending an empty list to a numpy array changes its dtype
I have a numpy array of integers. In my code I need to append some other integers from a list, which works fine and gives me back an array of dtype int64 as expected. But it may happen that the list of integers to append is empty. In that case, numpy returns an array of float64 values. Exemplary code below:
How to Display python script Error in Tkinter message box
I have written the below code for run a python file on button click through tkinter and also displaying two button for run python file on GUI window. Now my pyhton files is working fine when click on button. But there is one issue is I want to shows error on tkinter error box whatever error shows on cmd window.
Python to Find-replace a string and Create Two Paragraphs Before String in Words Document
I have a VBA Macro. In that, I have Here, ‘^p^pChemical’ means Replace the Word Pollution with Chemical and create two empty paragraphs before the word sea. Before: After: Have you noticed that The Word Pollution has been replaced With Chemical and two empty paragraphs preceds it ? This is how I want in Python. My Code so far: I