When someone writes the name, it does not print it, it prints user and I try to make but its show me this erorr Answer If you run the following, you are not passing the user variable to your command. The following will not work as per the error you got, os.system() takes a single argument. You can do the
Tag: python-3.x
Kivy: AttributeError: ‘…’ object has no attribute ‘…’, but it has
I have this TaskTemplate with some Buttons, TexInput, etc. I will put just a piece of code for an easy understanding. If I use TaskTemplate as root class it works, I can change the state of the CheckBox with that parameter. If I add TaskTemplate here: I get this error which has no end: Answer Your update_state is just an
faster processing of a for loop with put requests python
I have a json file – that i am reading and processing each element due to the api and the payload that is required. I am looking for ways to speed this up through multi processing / concurrency – not for sure the proper approach. I think either of those would work as they are individual request updating a specific
How to use proxies within browser_cookie3 or any similar library that helps grab cookies?
I’m trying to populate cookies from a domain using this library browser_cookie3. It appears to be doing fine. However, the only and main problem is that I can’t figure out any way how to supply proxies within this library to get cookies from the location the proxy is from. For example, if I use this domain www.nordstrom.com within that library
Why can’t I use multiple *vars in tuple unpacking on the left-hand side of an assignment?
I am trying to make sense of starred expressions in python. When I use it in python functions, it allows to call functions with different number of arguments: However when I use it in an assignment, it works like this: Can someone explain to me what is happening behind this assignment that doesn’t allow multiple starred expressions? Answer The language
Python DataFrame String replace accidently Returing NaN
I encounter a weird problem in Python Pandas, while I read a excel and replace a character “k”, the result gives me NaN for the rows without “K”. see below image It should return 173 on row #4,instead of NaN, but if I create a brand new excel, and type the same number. it will work. or if i use
Hacker rank List Prepare
This is my Code and it gives me this error message. Why? Error Message – Traceback (most recent call last): File “/tmp/submission/20220617/03/45/hackerrank-3495035b4042c8bc0c55e799a2d2e687/code/Solution.py”, line 15, in l.sort() TypeError: ‘<‘ not supported between instances of ‘str’ and ‘int’ Answer You appended string value at x[0] == “append”. It should work when you change to l.append(int(x[1])
how to stop tkinter timer function when i press button one more times?
i’d tried to use root.after_cancel(AFTER), but i dont know how. Answer It’s hard to guess what actually you are after, but … below working code which outputs to stdout and is able to start/stop/restart the countdown with pressing the [Countdown] button. The ‘trick’ is to run the timer all the time checking a value of a global variable, where pressing
Use tqdm progress bar with asyncio
I am trying to create a single progress bar that will be updated whenever an async task is done. I have the following code The above code generates a single progress bar as but it is not updated until all tasks are finished (it shows either 0% or 100% while there’s more than a single task) I also tried using
find all strings from list which matches with given few alphabets
I am building a simple function to search through some data from the list. I am trying to search string from list matches some characters from start of string. Like :- and if user calls the function with argument “bi” then I am trying to get strings which matched that string “bi” like :- But it is not working, I