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Tag: python-3.x

RuntimeError: Input type (torch.FloatTensor) and weight type (torch.cuda.FloatTensor) should be the same

This: Gives the error: RuntimeError: Input type (torch.FloatTensor) and weight type (torch.cuda.FloatTensor) should be the same Answer You get this error because your model is on the GPU, but your data is on the CPU. So, you need to send your input tensors to the GPU. Or like this, to stay consistent with the rest of your code: The same

How could I list Azure Virtual Machines using Python?

I’ve used the below code to get the Access Token from my Azure account. It’s working fine, I already got the token. However, how can I use this token to list all VMs running in that subscription/resource group with Azure SDK for Python? I guess that Microsoft documentation is a bit confusing. Thanks. Answer You can use the function

NameError: name ‘__file__’ is not defined

I am trying to store the path of a script into a variable using: However, it keeps returning a name ‘__file__’ is not defined error. Answer Pretty sure you are running this in a terminal in the interactive Python as it is the only place (I’m aware of) to not have __file__. Also, if it was a script, and it

How do you change the default window size of windows-curses?

When I initialize a window in curses with something like it always seems to have a default resolution of 120×30 characters that you can’t change the resolution beyond. How do you create a window with a resolution beyond this, or change the current window to a higher resolution? I’m trying to make a fullscreen (bordered) window, but it doesn’t seem

What is the alternative of in Odoo 13?

Right now when I started coding on Odoo v13 I found that Odoo has been removed What is the alternative of the in Odoo v13 ? Answer In odoo13 by default instance method will accept self as multi instance (multi-recordset). So for instance method, you should remove the and @api.multi decorator from your methods. For a single
