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Tag: python-3.x

How to correctly shift the baseline in an area plot to a particular y location and change the fill color correspondingly, in Altair?

I wanted to be able to do something like this – NOTE: The horizontal line you see is NOT at y=0, but y=1 But using color or fill encoding with condition does not really work in area charts. The closest I got was using yOffset (hit and trial for the perfect value) in mark_area but the biggest problem with that

Draw a simple box around a string

I’m trying to learn python, and one of the “tasks” asks me to draw a box around a string. For some reason, I can’t come to a solution. This is supposed to be super basic so we can’t use functions and loops etc. Here’s the task: (I’m stuck on question 2) Load a string via the input () function, and

Django ModelForm has no model class specified, Although model in Meta class is set to a model

Error is “ModelForm has no model class specified.” code code code The error is occurs when I’m trying to create a new user form (user_form = UserForm()). Although in my meta class I set models to the User model imported from django.contrib.auth.models. Error Info Picture Answer I think your spellings in your forms are wrong could you

Not able to print simple fibonacci series in python?

Trying to print simple fibonacci series in Komodo using Python. but not getting any o/p Can someone explain me the mistake. I’m starting to learn Python. please let me know from where to start. Any link to full python course. Answer you didn’t call your function. Just call it and also remove parameters as you already assigned them inside your

string.replace() outputs me an error when defining it

Im getting data from an API. Then i want to replace the value in the string from “True” to “Online”. The error i get from replace() is AttributeError: ‘bool’ object has no attribute ‘replace’ I want to implement a Teamspeak Online Checker by getting the value if the server is online of some russian api. That by the way, works

Read a TSV file from a remote server

I have this function which returns the path to the file I need to read Later on, I am trying to open the file db_file holds one of the paths above. When I execute the script I get this error: I have checked the files names and the paths they all exist and in the right location. I have tried
