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Tag: pyspark

pyspark matplotlib integration with Zeppelin

I’m trying to draw histogram using pyspark in Zeppelin notebook. Here is what I have tried so far, This code run without no errors but this does not give the expected plot. So I googled and found this documantation, According to this, I tried to enable angular flag as follows, But now I’m getting an error called No module named

Interpolation in PySpark throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException

I don’t know how to interpolate in PySpark when the DataFrame contains many columns. Let me xplain. I need to group by webID and interpolate counts values at 1 minute interval. However, when I apply the below-shown code, Error: Answer Set the environment variable ARROW_PRE_0_15_IPC_FORMAT=1.–0150-and-spark-23x-24x

Comma separated data in rdd (pyspark) indices out of bound problem

I have a csv file which is comma separated. One of the columns has data which is again comma separated. Each row in that specific column has different no of words , hence different number of commas. When I access or perform any sort of operation like filtering (after splitting the data) it throws errors in pyspark. How shall I
