I need to use sftp services through python on my virtual machine. To note that I am unable to do commands like pip install packagename I have limitations on the controlled VM. So I have to download packages and point to local disk locations (pip install C:/Folder/packacgename.whl) to install them so please give me suggestions keeping this in mind. Trying
Tag: pysftp
pysftp vs. Paramiko
I have a simple requirement to drop a file on an SFTP server. I have found pysftp and Paramiko libraries that seem to allow me to this and developed a simple application using Paramiko but I can’t find a proper source that compares the two so I can decide which one I can/should use. What are the pros and cons
pysftp — paramiko SSHException, Bad host key from server
I’m trying to connect to a remote host via pysftp: However, I get a weird exception raised that I can’t find much detail on. I found a related question that suggested I run ssh-keygen -R [host] to replace the key in my known_hosts file — once I did that, I got a new error: Now, if I try to ssh
Upload file via SFTP with Python
I wrote a simple code to upload a file to a SFTP server in Python. I am using Python 2.7. The file did not appear on the server. However, no error message appeared. What is wrong with the code? I have enabled logging. I discovered that the file is uploaded to the root folder and not under public folder. Seems