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Tag: pydantic

Pydantic Checking if list field is unique

Currently, I am trying to create a pydantic model for a pandas dataframe. I would like to check if a column is unique by the following I would now like to run a validation here and have it fail since address is not unique. The following returns what I need but i want to be able to reuse this validator

Pydantic validation error for BaseSettings model with local ENV file

I’m developing a simple FastAPI app and I’m using Pydantic for storing app settings. Some settings are populated from the environment variables set by Ansible deployment tools but some other settings are needed to be set explicitly from a separate env file. So I have this in And I have this config.txt So project_mode env var is being set

Pydantic validation errors with None values

I have a returned result from a webservice, whose values come as they are (see example). The keys are not Optional and must be included. 2 validation errors for Result: cause – str type expected (type=type.error.str) urls – str type expected (type=type.error.str) First questions is, what is the correct way to handle the None values coming as answer from the

Short way to get all field names of a pydantic class

Minimal example of the class: The way it works: Is there a way to make it work without giving the class again? Desired way to get all field names: It would also work if the field names are assigned to an attribute. Just any way to make it make it more readable Answer What about just using __fields__: Output: This

Conditional call of a FastAPI Model

I have a multilang FastAPI connected to MongoDB. My document in MongoDB is duplicated in the two languages available and structured this way (simplified example): I therefore implemented two models DatasetFR and DatasetEN, each one makeS references with specific external Models (Enum) for category and tags in each lang. In the routes definition I forced the language parameter to declare

Pydantic/SQLAlchemy: How to work with enums?

What is the best way to convert a sqlalchemy model to a pydantic schema (model) if it includes an enum field? Sqlalchemy Pydantic Conversion This leads to the error value is not a valid enumeration member; permitted: ‘CREATED’, ‘UPDATED’ (type=type_error.enum; enum_values=[<StateEnumDTO.CREATED: ‘CREATED’>, <StateEnumDTO.UPDATED: ‘UPDATED’>]) How can I configure either a.) the serialization with the from_orm method? or b.) the creation

I want to change api response json in fastapi | pydantic

I am new in fastapi and please help me! I got an validation error when I change the default API response comes when I use response_model in fastAPI. The default API response is simple json like object from response_model. Now, when I run this code it gives me errors like below mentioned. Below is the output i want:-

Distinguishing between Pydantic Models with same fields

I’m using Pydantic to define hierarchical data in which there are models with identical attributes. However, when I save and load these models, Pydantic can no longer distinguish which model was used and picks the first one in the field type annotation. I understand that this is expected behavior based on the documentation. However, the class type information is important
