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Tag: pycharm

PyCharm can’t find reference in PyGame

OK, I’m very new to coding, and I am just learning Python. I figured I would start with some basic Pygame exercises to try to have something to program. I’ve installed Python 3.4.3 and PyCharm. I also installed the Pygame executable “pygame-1.9.2a0-hg_5974ff8dae3c+.win32-py3.4.msi” from here: I ran the Pygame installer, and it seemed to complete without visible issues, though there

PyCharm unresolved reference when importing class from other file

This problem has been driving me nuts. I am trying to import a class from a file in the same directory. PyCharm is giving me the “Unresolved reference” error. MyClass is defined in I have found these questions: Unresolved reference issue in PyCharm Pycharm: “unresolved reference” error on the IDE when opening a working project PyCharm shows unresolved references

Ran Pycharm debug which ended with exit code -1

Just a quick question but I ran Pycharm debug on a lengthy series of test scripts and the end result was: I was just wondering what this means given that exit code 0 is a pass and exit code 1 is a fail. (is it super awesome code to end in -1?) Answer You may be seeing that exit code

PyCharm noinspection for whole file?

Is it possible to disable an inspection for the whole file in PyCharm? The reason this is needed is when dealing with py.test. It uses fixtures which appear to shadow function parameters, and at the same time cause unresolved references. e.g.: There is also other warnings from py.test, such as using pytest.raises() causes a “Can not find reference ‘raises'” in

PyCharm: Unreachable Code?

PyCharm is showing me that some code is unreachable within a method before the return statement is reached. I cannot help but wonder how is that even remotely possible? simply calls self.response.write(things). Update: Yeah, when I surround it with a try/catch clause, the issue is resolved… Strange. (Note that the method doesn’t always raise an exception. Answer I actually

Is PyCharm’s community edition able to highlight CSS and JavaScript?

I’m exploring the features of PyCharm to decide if I should use it(now PyDev). All looks great, but I haven’t find a way to make PyCharm highlight .css or .js files: Is this a functionality which only provided in the commercial edition? Answer Web development with JavaScript, CoffeeScript, TypeScript, HTML/CSS supported by Professional Edition only. They are edited as text

PyCharm “Run configuration” asking for “script parameters”

While writing an application parsing command line arguments I would like to run it with various parameters. I don’t want to create a Run Configuration for every possible command line argument that I want my script to test with. Is there a way in PyCharm (and I guess with any JetBrains IDE) to make a Run Configuration that asks for
