I’m experimenting with Haskell profiling with a simple recursive max algorithm: When I compare it to a python imperative equivalent, I get a 10x speed factor in favor of python: It seems there is an inherent limitation of using tail recursion in the Haskell case, am I right? Any other way to make the Haskell code faster? The input file
Tag: profiling
python-requests: is it possible to bypass HTTPS for speed
Is it possible to bypass the HTTPS on python3+requests to gain speed? Profiling says SSL handling is the slowest part of my script: verify=False just disables the certificate checking, but SSL/TLS still happens in the background. I didn’t find any option to use the dumbest cipher (eg. 0bit) type to gain speed. Security is not my goal in this script.
How to use memory_profiler (python module) with class methods?
I want to profile time and memory usage of class method. I didn’t find an out of box solution for this (are there such modules?), and I decided to use timeit for time profiling and memory_usage from memory_profiler module. I faced a problem of profiling methods with memory_profiler. I’ve tried different variants, and none of them worked. When I try