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Tag: powerbi

how to write a conditional for loop in DAX?

I’m using PowerBI to create a dashboard that summarizes data from a train movements simulation. (I’m a psychologist with some basic understanding of python and currently learning DAX.) Here is some background: I use [index] to maintain the order of the rows [Notification] is a column that contains text [Train Nr] is a column that contains the ID of the

Connect to Power BI XMLA endpoint with Python

Since the announcement about XMLA endpoints, I’ve been trying to figure out how to connect to a URL of the form powerbi://[workspace name] as an SSAS OLAP cube via Python, but I haven’t gotten anything to work. I have a workspace in a premium capacity and I am able to connect to it using DAX Studio as well as SSMS

Scraping Data from a website which uses Power BI – retrieving data from Power BI on a website

I want to scrape data from this page (and pages similar to it): This page uses Power BI. Unfortunately, finding a way to scrape Power BI is hard, because everyone wants to scrape using/into Power BI, not from it. The closest answer was this question. Yet unrelated. Firstly, I used Apache tika, and soon I realized the table data
