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Tag: pdb

Step into the non-innermost call in an expression with PDB

Consider a piece of code like this: In PDB (or PDB++), the step command normally would step into the baz() function. How can I step into the call to bar() or baz() instead of baz()? I don’t see anything about this in the PDB or PDB++ documentation. Answer Look at the list of debugger commands here. You can either put

How to exit pdb and allow program to continue?

I’m using the pdb module to debug a program. I’d like to understand how I can exit pdb and allow the program to continue onward to completion. The program is computationally expensive to run, so I don’t want to exit without the script attempting to complete. continue doesn’t seems to work. How can I exit pdb and continue with my

How to use `pytest` from Python?

I’m working in a project that recently switched to the pytest unittest framework. I was used to calling my tests from Eclipse, so that I can use the debugger (e.g. placing breakpoints to analyze how a test failure develops). Now this is no longer possible, since the only way to run the tests is via the command line blackbox. Is
