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Tag: pandas

How to normalise a date columnin pandas dataframe to the same format

I have a dataframe made from pulling in different excel sheets. I am trying to normalise the date_time column to just a standard DD/MM/YYY format. Is that possible? 1 DATE Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Column 6 2 01/03/2021 00:00 3 01/03/2021 00:00 4 01/03/2021 00:00 5 01/03/2021 00:00 6 01/03/2021 00:00 … … 122350 11/24/2022 122351 11/24/2022 122352

Need to find and replace/correct list from another df column

I have a list let suppose F = [Jonii, Max, anna, xyz, etc..] and df which contains 2 column- Name and Corrected_Name. df I need to search each string from list into df[Name] and replace it with df[Corrected_Name]. For eg. in above, code will search list in df[Name] and if found which is “Jonii” then replace it with “Jon” which

Pandas: replacing nan values conditionally within a group

I have a dataframe with missing values. for each index in a column group, i want to replace these values seperately. If all of the values in a group are missing, i want to replace the values with 1. If only some of the values are missing, i want to replace it with data from an imputed dataframe dataframe 1

How to sort MultiIndex using values from a given column

I have a DataFrame with 2-level index and column with the numerical values. I want to sort it by level-0 and level-1 index in such a way that the the order of 0-level index is determined by the sum of values from Value column (descending), and the order of 1-level index is also determined by the values in Value column.

Why are python dates such a mess and what can I do about it?

A common source of errors in my Python codebase are dates. Specifically, the different implementations of dates and datetimes, and how comparisons are handled between them. These are the date types in my codebase You can print them to see: Is there a canonical date representation in Python? I suppose x7: is probably closest… Also, note comparisons are a
