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Tag: pandas

Pandas dataframe get first row of each group

I have a pandas DataFrame like following: I want to group this by [“id”,”value”] and get the first row of each group: Expected outcome: I tried following, which only gives the first row of the DataFrame. Any help regarding this is appreciated. Answer If you need id as column: To get n first records, you can use head():

Convert one row of a pandas dataframe into multiple rows

I want to turn this: Into this: Context: I have data stored with one value coded for all ages (age = 99). However, the application I am developing for needs the value explicitly stated for every id-age pair (id =1, age = 25,50, and 75). There are simple solutions to this: iterate over id’s and append a bunch of dataframes,

Comparing two pandas dataframes for differences

I’ve got a script updating 5-10 columns worth of data , but sometimes the start csv will be identical to the end csv so instead of writing an identical csvfile I want it to do nothing… How can I compare two dataframes to check if they’re the same or not? Any ideas? Answer You also need to be careful to

Convert pandas DataFrame to a nested dict

I’m Looking for a generic way of turning a DataFrame to a nested dictionary This is a sample data frame The number of columns may differ and so does the column names. like this : What is best way to achieve this ? closest I got was with the zip function but haven’t managed to make it work for more

How to save the Pandas dataframe/series data as a figure?

It sounds somewhat weird, but I need to save the Pandas console output string to png pics. For example: Is there any way like df.output_as_png(filename=’df_data.png’) to generate a pic file which just display above content inside? Answer Option-1: use matplotlib table functionality, with some additional styling: Options-2 Use Plotly + kaleido For the above, the font size can be changed

Change one value based on another value in pandas

I’m trying to reproduce my Stata code in Python, and I was pointed in the direction of Pandas. I am, however, having a hard time wrapping my head around how to process the data. Let’s say I want to iterate over all values in the column head ‘ID.’ If that ID matches a specific number, then I want to change

Modify output from Python Pandas describe

Is there a way to omit some of the output from the pandas describe? This command gives me exactly what I want with a table output (count and mean of executeTime’s by a simpleDate) However that’s all I want, count and mean. I want to drop std, min, max, etc… So far I’ve only read how to modify column size.

extracting days from a numpy.timedelta64 value

I am using pandas/python and I have two date time series s1 and s2, that have been generated using the ‘to_datetime’ function on a field of the df containing dates/times. When I subtract s1 from s2 s3 = s2 – s1 I get a series, s3, of type timedelta64[ns] How do I look at 1 element of the series: s3[10]
