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Modify output from Python Pandas describe

Is there a way to omit some of the output from the pandas describe? This command gives me exactly what I want with a table output (count and mean of executeTime’s by a simpleDate)


However that’s all I want, count and mean. I want to drop std, min, max, etc… So far I’ve only read how to modify column size.

I’m guessing the answer is going to be to re-write the line, not using describe, but I haven’t had any luck grouping by simpleDate and getting the count with a mean on executeTime.

I can do count by date:


or executeTime by date:


But can’t figure out the syntax to combine them.

My desired output:

            count  mean  
09-10-2013      8  20.523   
09-11-2013      4  21.112  
09-12-2013      3  18.531
...            ..  ...



Describe returns a series, so you can just select out what you want

In [6]: s = Series(np.random.rand(10))

In [7]: s
0    0.302041
1    0.353838
2    0.421416
3    0.174497
4    0.600932
5    0.871461
6    0.116874
7    0.233738
8    0.859147
9    0.145515
dtype: float64

In [8]: s.describe()
count    10.000000
mean      0.407946
std       0.280562
min       0.116874
25%       0.189307
50%       0.327940
75%       0.556053
max       0.871461
dtype: float64

In [9]: s.describe()[['count','mean']]
count    10.000000
mean      0.407946
dtype: float64
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