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Tag: pandas

pandas read_html – no tables found

I am attempting to see if I can read a table of data from, but I am getting a type error for no tables found. (first timer on web scraping too here) There is also another person with a very similar stackoverflow question here with WU table of data, but the solution is a little bit complicated to me.

How to zip together lists of unequal length into a dictionary?

I have three lists. I’d like to make these lists into a dataframe in which each row is the author paired with each coauthor and the frequency of collaborations. Basically if I could zip these three lists together, with the list ‘author’ replicated over and over in each row, this would be great. This seems like a fairly simple pandas

matplotlib: draw a box on axes

I want to draw the box between y=75 and 90 (green and red lines on the chart), but nothing is shown up when I do ax.add_patch this is the image I get: So How do I fill out the area between red and green horizontal lines? Answer If you have a fixed area you want to fill and you want

Extracting 2gram strings from a column present in a list

I have a dataframe called df and a list called algorithms So technically, for each row of the Comments column, I’m trying to extract words that appear in the algorithms list. This is what I’m trying to achieve However, this is what I’m getting words like machine learning and fraud detection don’t appear. basically, all 2 grams words This is

A few operations with df.groupby()

I working with a forex dataset, trying to fill in my dataframe with open, high, low, close updated every tick. Here is my code: So as you can see, with for loop I’m getting groups. Now I want to fill the following columns in my dataframe: idx be my df[‘candle_number’] df[‘1h_open’] must be equal to the very first in

Pandas: splitting data frame based on the slope of data

I have this data frame Update: I want a function If the slope is negetive and the length of the group is more than 2 then it should return True, index of start and end of the group. for this case it should return: result=True, index=5, index=8 1- I want to split the data frame based on the slope. This

Pandas fill in missing dates in DataFrame with multiple columns

I want to add missing dates for a specific date range, but keep all columns. I found many posts using afreq(), resample(), reindex(), but they seemed to be for Series and I couldn’t get them to work for my DataFrame. Given a sample dataframe: My goal is to return below; filling in qty as 0, but fill other columns. Of
