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Tag: pandas

Finding Search Terms from one Pandas Dataframe in another

I’m trying to search for key terms that are contained in one dataframe in another, returning each one when it is found in the second dataframe. My code below words to extract the keywords. However, some of the keywords overlap and it only pulls the first result it finds, when I would like it to pull as many matches as

Converting dictionary into dataframe

Hello i am trying to convert a dictionary into a dataframe, containing results from a search on amazon (I am using an API.). I would like each product to be a row in the dataframe with the keys as column headers. However there is some keys in the beginning, that i am not interested in having in the table. Below

Iterating through multiple rows using multiple values from nested dictionary to update data frame in python

I created nested dictionary to keep multiple values for each combination, example rows in the dictionary is as follows:- dict = {‘A’: {B: array([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]), C: array([array([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10],…}} There are multiple As and in that multiple arrays for each array. Now I want to updated the data frame which has following rows: Col 1 Col 2 Col 3 Col 4 A B

Replacing values using dictionary

What are the reasons why are regex replacment doesn’t work? I have tried ensuring no excess spaces. When I do df.loc[df[‘column’]==”and another reason with her”] nothing has changed. Answer Please use df.replace(regex=dict)

Pandas dataframe custom formatting string to time

I have a dataframe that looks like this I need to get every value in this column DEP_TIME to have the format hh:mm. All cells are of type string and can remain that type. Some cells are only missing the colon (rows 0 to 3), others are also missing the leading 0 (rows 4+). Some cells are empty and should
