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Tag: operating-system

os.system() keeps giving me import errors

I am using os.system(“python”) to run different parts of my code. Every time I try this it gives me an import error for example “no module named pygame” even though when I game2 itself, it works fine. What can I do? Answer Like said in other answers there is no need to run os.system() if you want to import

How to uninstall a .exe from a python script

Hello I can’t get an app to self uninstall. After converting a .py script to .exe when I press the button it is supposed to delete/uninstall itself from my computer. Actually I would like it to uninstall completely from my computer after pressing the button from the .exe how to do it? Here is the code: I expect the program

How to loop through a folder in Python

I am a new python user and I am trying to loop through all the items in a set file. Here is my code this far – When I load the for loop without the pd.read_excel it prints the names of each of the sheets in the console yet when I add in the read_excel portion I receive an error

Python3. How to save downloaded webpages to a specified dir?

I am trying to save all the < a > links within the python homepage into a folder named ‘Downloaded pages’. However after 2 iterations through the for loop I receive the following error: <_io.BufferedWriter name=’Downloaded Pages/’> <_io.BufferedWriter name=’Downloaded Pages/’> Traceback (most recent call last): File “/Users/Lucas/Python/AP book exercise/Web Scraping/”, line 26, in downloadedPage = open(os.path.join(‘Downloaded Pages’, os.path.basename(linkUrlToOpen)),

How can I implement Circular SSTF in this code?

In my Operating Systems class, we have to present one algorithm as our final project. A mock model for any of the OS algorithms. I choose an algorithm which is an improved/variation of regular SSTF algorithm. It is called Circular SSTF. I have already implemented SSTF in python. But I can’t figure out a way to implement Circular SSTF. Any

Opening Anaconda Prompt with python

I want to create a script that will help me with installing packages for Spyder. Therefore, I want to use Python and have the script first open Anaconda Prompt, then execute the commands and then close that window. However, I can get it to open for example the calculator but it doesn’t seem to open the command prompt. For opening

When import a python file into another (in a subdirectory) it stops finding the csv in the same directory

I’m trying to import the cleaning file in the managers file like this: The main folder contains the files cleaning, transaction listing and a sub folder called “apps” with the managers file: Also note that the cleaning file reads the transaction listing.csv file. The issue I’m getting when running is: And “Transaction Listings.csv” is correctly loaded by cleaning but no

How SharedMemory in python define the size?

I have some prolem about SharedMemory in python3.8,any help will be good. Question 1. SharedMemory has one parameter SIZE,the doc tell me the unit is byte.I created a instance of 1 byte size,then, let shm.buf=bytearray[1,2,3,4], it can work and no any exception!why? Question 2. why print buffer is a memory address? why i set size is 1byte,but result show it
