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Tag: opencv

OpenCV text and shapes look vague on my PC compared to other PC

I have a python script that draws text and shapes using the OpenCV library. The text and shapes look great on my Ubuntu PC (ran in VirtualBox) with 1920×1080 resolution. When I run the exact script on my own Windows 11 system with the same 1920×1080 resolution it looks really vague. This is is the main part of the OpenCV

cv2.boundingRect creating issue

I am working on preprocessing images of digits. Each image contains a single number and some unwanted contours . This noise or contours can be in the form of lines or small dots. My task is to remove these contours. So I decided to use the following algorithm Find all contours Sort the contours according to the area in descending

Unable to generate contour on segmented image using OpenCV based on a specific color(cv2.inRange)

I have a segmented image, which is output of an AI model.The next step is to create contour and overlay on the original image(non segmented)using OpenCV around a specific color on the segmented image. I tried with the below code snippet. But unfortunately I am unable to generate mask and contour which returns empty array. Any leads would be appreciated

Get PIXEL VALUES of a circle located?

I have parameters of circle on a image: radius and coordinates of center. Is it possible to return the location of pixels along a circle? I need to get the all pixel values along the circle line. I tried get coordinates by next solution: But if angle is not agreed with radius I miss neighboring pixsels: Answer You can get

Why does thresholding on image give a different result compared to when it is in an image with other things?

I have an image that when I apply a binary threshold on it, it gives a different result compared to when it is in an image with other things. I’m not sure if I’m setting the parameters for the thresholding function incorrectly as I took the example from the OpenCV documentation. Link to documentation: In my test program, I

NameError: name ‘VideoCapture’ is not defined [closed]

Closed. This question is not reproducible or was caused by typos. It is not currently accepting answers. This question was caused by a typo or a problem that can no longer be reproduced. While similar questions may be on-topic here, this one was resolved in a way less likely to help future readers. Closed 11 months ago. Improve this question
