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Tag: opencv-python

Record Video Button in tkinter GUI python

I’m pretty new to python and espcially tkinter and opencv. I’ve got someway (a little way) to creating a gui that will eventually control a microscope and ai. But I’ve hit a stumbling block, trying to record the video that is displayed within the gui, I think its to do with the video feed already been captured in the display,

Color values for opencv detection

This is a basic Detection of a specific color script in python taken from here. I am trying to work with “#34659F” color. I checked the above values, and they dont correspond to blue region. I check both the uppler and lower values and found that they dont correspond to blue values. I tried to select the upper and lower

Opencv-Overlay a Video on Webcam

Guys I am having problem on overlaying my video to webcam. I can open webcam without any issues or errors but my video is not being showed. I am trying to play my video in specific x-y coordinates.I take most of my code from an other stackoverflow question but I cannot find it know so that I cannot mention it

OPENCV – !ssize.empty()

THIS IS MY CODE: Guys, this is the part of my code. I am trying to resize my image but ıt gives the following error: error: OpenCV(4.0.1) C:ciopencv-suite_1573470242804workmodulesimgprocsrcresize.cpp:3784: error: (-215:Assertion failed) !ssize.empty() in function ‘cv::resize’ Do you have any suggestions to solve this? Answer If I’m not mistaken, you want to resize the video frames with the same size of
