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Tag: open3d

Playing sequence of ply files in open3d

I’m currently trying to play a sequence of ply models through open3d, but I’m having some issues with updating the geometry. Currently only the first image is shown, and the vis isn’t being updated. I’ve been trying to find some info on this, but most guides or other sections show that this should work? I’m not entirely sure what I’m

How to convert 3D cloud datapoints to mesh using python?

I have a set of 3D data points that looks similar to sphere. I need these data points to be connected as a watertight mesh so that it can be used for simulation. I have worked with Meshlab and obtained a reasonable mesh but not watertight. After this, I have tried with Open3D python library by using ball pivot algorithm.

Adding new points to point cloud in real time – Open3D

I am using Open3D to visualize point clouds in Python. Essentially, what I want to do is add another point to the point cloud programmatically and then render it in real time. This is what I have so far. I could not find any solution to this. In the code below, I show one possible solution, but it is not

Open3d(Python), How to remove points from .ply

I get pointcloud from my Intel RealSense depth camera. And I want to remove extra points that are far away, how do I put a condition in the code? Code for getting pointcloud: Code for viewing pointcloud: That what i want delete: Answer The question does not say what points exactly are to be removed. Assuming you can provide a
