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Tag: numpy

Python: numpy.sum returns wrong ouput (numpy version 1.21.3)

Here I have a 1D array: And the sum of all elements in the array should be 75491328*8*8 = 4831444992. However, when I use np.sum, I get a different output. That’s what happens on my Jupyter Notebook using the latest version of Numpy. But when I use Jupyter Notebook of Coursera using old version 1.18.4 of Numpy, everything is fine.

Create new column in Pandas and fill down with a specific value

I have a dataset, df, where I would like to create a new column to my dataset and fill down this column with a specific value Data Desired Doing However, this is not actually creating the new column. Any suggestion is appreciated. Answer Simply try: df[‘plan’] = ’21’ Or df[‘plan’] = 21 if an integer type is wanted. Pandas will

seperate array from large array in numpy by column condition

check if values of a,b are 1 ,2 and c,d are 3,4 then print it what i am currently doing is but it prints all the rows where the 1st column is 1 Answer You can slice your array and then use row equality checks: BTW, it is always a good idea to make an example that can be reproduced

Create calculated field within dataset using Python

I have a dataset, df, where I would like to create columns that display the output of a subtraction calculation: Data Desired Doing I am looking for a more elegant way that provides the desire output. Any suggestion is appreciated. Answer We can perform 2D subtraction with numpy: Benefit here is that, no matter how many p_ columns there are, pandas dataframe based on column of prefix and values

So I have two dataframes main_df, about 800 rows description category ABCD ONE XYZ THREE ABC QWE keyword_df, it is about 50 rows keyword category AB FIVE What I’m trying to achieve = main_df description category ABCD ONE XYZ THREE ABC FIVE QWE 0 conditions = [(main_df[‘Description’].str.startswith(‘AB’)) & (main_df[‘category’).isnull()] values = keyword_df[‘category’].tolist() main_df[‘category’] =, values) I was able to
