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Tag: numpy

Python concatenate (multiple) strings to number

I have a python list [‘a1’, ‘b1’, ‘a2’, ‘b2′,’a3’, ‘b3’]. Set m=3 and I want get this list using loops, because here m=3 could be a larger number such as m=100. Since we can have then I try to get [‘a1’, ‘b1’, ‘a2’, ‘b2′,’a3’, ‘b3’] using and have TypeError: can only concatenate list (not “str”) to list Then I try

TorchServe: How to convert bytes output to tensors

I have a model that is served using TorchServe. I’m communicating with the TorchServe server using gRPC. The final postprocess method of the custom handler defined returns a list which is converted into bytes for transfer over the network. The post process method The main issue is at the client where converting the received bytes from TorchServe to a torch

In Python, why my variable StartingU get updated when I only update the variable AverageU in my for loops? What is wrong with the code?

The purpose is to calculate the average value (AverageU) from a starting array (StartingU) The for loops that calculate the average values for AverageU Output: The problem is why StartingU gets updated? It should be unchanged Answer AverageU changed since this code, not after for loop. AverageU and StartingU are the same instances. You can check it with is function.

Advance a Interpolation

Note; No special knowledge of Pykrige is needed to answer the question, as I already mention examples in the question! Hi I would like to use Universal Kriging in my code. For this I have data that is structured as follows: You can find my data here: I want to interpolate the data (Latitude, Longitude, Altitude and O18) with Universal

how to use mask using numba @jit

I would like to do simple division and average using jit function where nopython = True. my jit function goes however this throws me an error, what would be the workaround for this? I am trying to do this without the loop, any lights would be appreiciate. Answer numba doesn’t support some arguments for some of numpy modules (e.g. np.mean()

Manipulating DataFrame

I have the following dataframe df where there are 3 columns: Date, value and topic. I want to create a new dataframe df1 where the topic is the column and is indexed by day, and each topic has its own value per day. My problem is that I don’t know how to match the value to the topic per day.

How could the energy and cos function be in different shapes?

I am trying to write a code that calculates an integral from zero to pi. But it gives an error which I do not understand how to fix. Thank you for your time. Answer As is pointed out in the top comment: Energy.shape == (2980,), but x.shape == (1000,) so reduce the number of elements in Energy or increase np.cos(x).

importing for loop output to another for loop

I am facing problem while importing the output of a for-loop to another for loop. My python script Actually facing problem in this line of code e = {d[0]: c, d[1]:[2.0,2.0]}, where value of c should be different but by this script i am getting repeated value. Answer Your problem is that you keep over writting the value if c
