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Tag: node.js

Translate encryption in python to node

Trying to implement these 2 functions from Python to Nodejs: This decrypt works (when I encrypt in Python, I manage to decrypt in node), but the opposite way fails. Any idea what is missing in the nodejs encrypt function? Answer If the following points are taken into account, the encryption and decryption of both codes run in all possible combinations

Running a python script in virtual environment with node.js pm2

I would like to reference this question because I am certain that someone will flag this as a duplicate. I am not looking for another reference to supervisord. I’m sure that it is great and all, but the node PM2 has the functionality that I require and is more straightforward to implement and test. Manual Start During prototyping, I created

npm – “Can’t find Python executable “python”, you can set the PYTHON env variable.”

I’m trying to run the following command: npm install -g bower gulp cordova ionic tsd@next karma-cli protractor node-gyp coffee-script js-beautify typescript npm-check I have installed Python, Visual Studio Express and node-gyp so thought I’d be good to go, however I get the following errors: Regarding the “Can’t find Python executable “python”, you can set the PYTHON env variable.” error, I’m

Convenient way to wrap long SQL statements in javascript

In python, one can use “”” to wrap long MySQL statements. For example, However, if I try the same thing in javascript, there will be syntax error. Is there some kind of javascript equivalent for python’s “””string encapsulation? If no, what are some best practices for encapsulating a long MySQL string statement in javascript? I am using node.js restify client.
