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Tag: nested

python – json , how to make a json flat

so i have a nested json that contains two groups , each group has a field that contains more sub groups i would like to pop all the sub groups out to flatten the json and remove the sub groups field What is the correct way to do it JSON : This is the expected result: I need to pop

Calculating the semantic descriptor of a nested list

I am trying to calculate the semantic description of a nested list to turn it into a nested dictionary. First I got distinct_words, each word of it will be the keys of my final dictionary. EXPECTED OUTPUT: {‘i’: {‘am’: 3, ‘a’: 2, ‘sick’: 1, ‘man’: 3, ‘spiteful’: 1, ‘an’: 1, ‘unattractive’: 1, ‘believe’: 1, ‘my’: 2, ‘liver’: 1, ‘is’: 1,

Nested python dataclasses with list annotations

python ^3.7. Trying to create nested dataclasses to work with complex json response. I managed to do that with creating dataclass for every level of json and using __post_init_ to set fields as objects of other dataclasses. However that creates a lot of boilerplate code and also, there is no annotation for nested objects. This answer helped me getting closer

Iterate through nested dictionary values and return an ordered list based on dict’s values

I have a nested dictionary titled ‘transportation_costs’ that contains the transportation costs associated with every facility-customer combination. I need to iterate through each customer (key2) in the dictionary and generate five ordered lists (one for each customer) that contains the facilities ranked from cheapest to most expensive for a given customer based on the value in the nested dictionary. ***
