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Tag: multi-index

Filter Pandas MultiIndex over all First Levels Columns

Trying to find a way of efficiently filtering all entries under both top level columns based on a filter defined for only one of the top level columns. Best explained with the example below and desired output. Example DataFrame Create filter for multiindex dataframe Desired output: Answer You can reshape for simplify solution by reshape for DataFrame by DataFrame.stack with

Drop Non-equivalent Multiindex Rows in Pandas Dataframe

Goal If sub-column min equals to sub-column max and if min and max sub-column do not equal to each other in any of the column (ao, his, cyp1a2s, cyp3a4s in this case), drop the row. Example Want Attempt Note The actual dataframe has 50+ columns. Answer Use DataFrame.xs for DataFrame by second levels of MultiIndex, replace NaNs: Or convert data

applymap() does not work on Pandas MultiIndex Slice

I have an hierarchical dataset: I want to apply a function to all values under the columns A. I can set the value to something: Easy enough. Now, instead of assigning a value, if I want to apply a mapping to this MultiIndex slice, it does not work. For example, let me apply a simple formatting statement: This step works
