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Tag: migration

How to migrate all packages, settings, user data etc. after updating to a newer Python version?

I’ve just installed Python 3.10 on Windows 10 and none of my scripts are working. For instance, when doing jupyter notebook I get I’ve been using Python 3.9 and all the scripts are still located in C:Program FilesPython39Scripts. However, there is nothing in C:Program FilesPython310Scripts (besides pip). As a first attempt to solve the problem, I uninstalled Python 3.10 leaving

How to prevent alembic revision –autogenerate from making revision file if it has not detected any changes?

I have project where I’m using SQLAlchemy for models and I’m trying to integrate Alembic for making migrations. Everything works as expected when I change models and Alembic sees that models have changed -> it creates good migration file with command: alembic revision –autogenerate -m “model changed” But when I have NOT changed anything in models and I use the
