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Tag: merge

How to merge two dataframes and eliminate dupes

I am trying to merge two dataframes together. One has 1.5M rows and one has 15M rows. I was expecting the merged dataframe to haev 15M rows, but it actually has 178M rows!! I think my merge is doing some kind of Cartesian product, and this isn not what I want. This is what I tried, and got 178M rows.

pandas, merge duplicates if row contains wildcard text

I have a dataset of duplicates (ID). Dataset contains both information and emails. I’m trying to concatenate the emails (if row have character @) and then remove the duplicates. My original dataset: What I wish to accomplish: My current code is a modification of Eric Ed Lohmar code and give the following output. My issue is that I’m not able

How to merge multiple json files into one file in python

I want to merge multiple json files into one file in python. The thing that I want to do is if there are several .json files like: The result.json files I want to get should look like: The result.json files I got is: I used the code to merge .json files from here and changed it very slightly like below:

Pandas left join in place

I have a large data frame df and a small data frame df_right with 2 columns a and b. I want to do a simple left join / lookup on a without copying df. I come up with this code but I am not sure how robust it is: I know it certainly fails when there are duplicated keys: pandas
