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Tag: memoization

Getting KeyError in the following code to find “minimum number square to the number”

I am getting the error in the following code for the above stated problem using memoization please help me find the error and correct the code. Answer It would help if you provided the full error output, which should include the line number and surrounding code. However, I suspect the issue lies in the following line: You’re checking whether the

Preventing reference re-use during deepcopy

Consider the following example: The first print outputs what I would expect because the same reference is duplicated in the list. However, the second print surprised me. I would have expected the deepcopy to end up with two independent references inside the copy list. Instead it maintains the property of a single list reference duplicated. I’m guessing that’s alluded to

Frog Jump Memoization(Python)

Below is the problem description, followed by its recursive solution using Python. This solution is inefficient. I know using memoization, we can improve this solution. I have also gone through similar questions on StackOverflow but I couldn’t figure out the solution. I am fairly new to the memoization technique. If anyone could help me with the solution using memoization, that

@lru_cache decorator excessive cache misses

How can you configure lru_cache to key its cache based on actual values received, rather than how the function was called? In other words, only the first call above should be a cache miss, the other two should be cache hits. Answer To do that, you would have to go through the process of binding arguments to formal parameters. The

Memoization using dictionary

So I am trying to implement Lowest common subsequence in Python and was trying this alternative to my previous solution. I tried using a dictionary instead of a 2-D matrix to memoize the results. It’s returning which I understand is because I am not returning anything so how can I do something like this. And I am trying to implement

Does Python intern strings?

In Java, explicitly declared Strings are interned by the JVM, so that subsequent declarations of the same String results in two pointers to the same String instance, rather than two separate (but identical) Strings. For example: My question is, does CPython (or any other Python runtime) do the same thing for strings? For example, if I have some class: And
