I want to use Shapely for my computational geometry project. I need to be able to visualize and display polygons, lines, and other geometric objects for this. I’ve tried to use Matplotlib for this but I am having trouble with it. I would like to be able to display this polygon in a plot. How would I change my code
Tag: matplotlib
matplotlib: draw a box on axes
I want to draw the box between y=75 and 90 (green and red lines on the chart), but nothing is shown up when I do ax.add_patch this is the image I get: So How do I fill out the area between red and green horizontal lines? Answer If you have a fixed area you want to fill and you want
Sort bar chart by list values in matplotlib
I am encountering an issue regarding the sorting my features by their value. I would like to see my image with bars getting shorter based on how high they are on the y-axis. Unfortunately, my barplot looks like this, with the features being sorted alphabetically: Right now I am running the following code: Here is the data going through there:
How does one show x10(superscript number) instead of 1e(number) for axes in matplotlib?
The only way I know how to use scientific notation for the end of the axes in matplotlib is with plt.ticklabel_format(style=’sci’, axis=’y’, scilimits=(0,0)) but this will use 1e instead of x10. In the example code below it shows 1e6, but I want x10 to the power of 6, x10superscript6 (x10^6 with the 6 small and no ^). Is there a
Can I turn off scientific notation in matplotlib bar chart?
I have a bar chart that looks like how I want it to look, except for the scientific notation on the y-axes. Some other solutions included using which didn’t work. Also, I tried checking whether this was an offset-problem, but it should have shown a ‘+’ sign, which it doesn’t in this case. Whenever I use: I get an error
Plotting Pandas DataFrame from pivot
I am trying to plot a line graph comparing the Murder Rates of particular States through the years 1960-1962 using Pandas in a Jupyter Notebook. A little context about where I am now, and how I arrived here: I’m using a crime csv file, which looks like this: I’m only interested in 3 columns for the time being: State, Year,
How to format seaborn/matplotlib axis tick labels from number to thousands or Millions? (125,436 to 125.4K)
How can I can change the axis format from a number to custom format? For example, 125000 to 125.00K Answer IIUC you can format the xticks and set these: The key bit here is this line: So this divides all the ticks by 1000 and then formats them and sets the xtick labels UPDATE Thanks to @ScottBoston who has suggested
bold text in matplotlib table
How to insert bold text in a cell of matplotlib table (pyplot table) ? Answer See the documentation for an example of how to iterate over the cells of the table and apply font properties. For example, to make the text in the first row bold, you could do the following:
matplotlib: Can I use a secondary font for missing glyphs?
The font I want to use doesn’t have all the symbols I need. Is it possible to have matplotlib use a different font if a symbol is missing? Here is a minimal example: And the output: Noto Sans is missing the heart symbol while Noto Sans Symbols2 is missing the letters. I’m trying to get something like the DejaVu Sans
How to remove edge lines from tripcolor plot with alpha != 0?
The matplotlib.pyplot.tripcolor example produces this image: If I change the plotting line from to then coloured edges appear: Adding antialiased=True makes things a bit better, but edges are still visible: Nothing else I tried changed the appearance of the edges. They seem unaffected by setting linewidths or edgecolors, nor by the methods set_linewidth or set_edgewidths on the tpc object. How