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Tag: loops

python turtle loop

I am trying to create a looping square, and cannot figure out how to get my code to allow me to keep repeating the command of creating squares, times the number input, heres what I have currently. Answer You can use for i in range(count_int): to run a piece of code repeatedly given a repeat count in count_int:

Python: Make class iterable

I have inherited a project with many large classes constituent of nothing but class objects (integers, strings, etc). I’d like to be able to check if an attribute is present without needed to define a list of attributes manually. Is it possible to make a python class iterable itself using the standard syntax? That is, I’d like to be able

Accessing the index in ‘for’ loops

How do I access the index while iterating over a sequence with a for loop? Desired output: Answer Use the built-in function enumerate(): It is non-pythonic to manually index via for i in range(len(xs)): x = xs[i] or manually manage an additional state variable. Check out PEP 279 for more.

How to iterate over a list in chunks

I have a Python script which takes as input a list of integers, which I need to work with four integers at a time. Unfortunately, I don’t have control of the input, or I’d have it passed in as a list of four-element tuples. Currently, I’m iterating over it this way: It looks a lot like “C-think”, though, which makes
