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Tag: logging

How to set logging level in twisted?

I am using autobahn package with twisted which shows debug message for me every connect to websocket. I tried to switch logging level to info but had no success: Is there an easy way to switch log level? Updated. Here is the I run it using twistd script: twistd -noy And i get a message: 2018-03-03T10:45:22+0500 [builtin.WebsocketService#debug] start

TensorFlow FileWriter not writing to file

I am training a simple TensorFlow model. The training aspect works fine, but no logs are being written to /tmp/tensorflow_logs and I’m not sure why. Could anyone provide some insight? Thank you Answer A combination of changing the file path from /temp/… to temp/… and adding summary_writer.flush() and summary_writer.close() made the logs be written successfully.

Python logging to stdout and log file

I am fairly new in python and starting to get into the logging module. I would like to have the message logged into a log file and outputting to the console. The code below prints out the message to console but how can I get all the message to be log in a file? Logger object does not have a

How to convert python logging level name to integer code

As of Python 3.2, logging.Logger.setLevel accepts a string level such as ‘INFO’ instead of the corresponding integer constant. This is very handy except that you can’t compare the levels numerically that way and most other logging methods accept integers only. How do I convert a level string to a numerical level using the functions provided by the logging package? Specifically,

Python Logging – Disable logging from imported modules

I’m using the Python logging module, and would like to disable log messages printed by the third party modules that I import. For example, I’m using something like the following: This prints out my debug messages when I do a logger.debug(“my message!”), but it also prints out the debug messages from any module I import (such as requests, and a

Logging module not working with Python3

I am having issues with the standard logging module. If I open a python2.7 shell and import logging everything works fine: But if I open a python3.4 shell and import logging I get the following error: I have no idea what the problem is and can’t seem to find anyone else who has had the same issue. Answer You seem

Python default logger disabled

For some reason, in a Python application I am trying to modify, the logger is not logging anything. I traced the error to logging/ I am not sure why, but self.disabled is True. Nowhere in the application this value is set and I don’t think any of the packages is changing it. The logger is instantiated as usual logger =

How can I see normal print output created during pytest run?

Sometimes I want to just insert some print statements in my code, and see what gets printed out when I exercise it. My usual way to “exercise” it is with existing pytest tests. But when I run these, I don’t seem able to see any standard output (at least from within PyCharm, my IDE). Is there a simple way to
