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Tag: label

Python Matplotlib -> give each x axis a numeric Label

I want to give each x Point a Label. From 0 to Inf. The Label should be visible at the point, that is the highest. Function: Answer Here is a minimal working example of what I think you want to achieve. It generates the following plot. For testing purposes I create 3 arrays of 10 random numbers each. Afterwards you

Kivy Label is not showing up

So I am a beginner in kivy. I have written a programm that reads sentences from a list and displays them in a Boxlayout as buttons. The Boxlayout is in a Floatlayout, so I can control where the sentences are located. If I click one of the sentences, it splits into buttons for each word. So far so good. Now

Labeling sentences from different nested dictionaries

I created a function to extract sentences from a specific key in a nested file. Now I would like to include in this function a label each time it comes to a new dictionary. Each time the the value HEADER appears marks the begining of a NEW story. So I would like to label the sentences that belong to the

How to change wx.sbSizer label color and size in python?

I’m creating a GUI and I’m using several wx.sbSizer to group the widgets. However I need to change the font and the color of the wx.sbSizer Label (‘MyApp’) and although I have searched I cannot find out how to do it. Here’s a minimal working example: Thank you in adavnce for any help. Answer You are already using sbSizer1_2_1.GetStaticBox() to
