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Tag: kivymd

Python KivyMD- load spinner while waiting for results from a function

I am trying to add an MDSpinner widget while waiting for an external function to return results since it takes a couple of seconds to finish executing. My problem is the spinner isn’t loading when the button is pressed. How can I show a spinner while waiting for a function to return results? my current code looks something like this:

how to insert a MDList in a MDDialog in kivyMD?

I need to show the data from a dictionary in a ThreeLineListItem inside a MDDialog, but my code doesn’t seem to work. Here’s my code: Do I need to import the values for the MDList from the KV file? Answer You can’t call your MDDialog class like : DialogContent().check_conflicts(product_dict). You need to reach self.dialog.Because you created this with your custom

KivyMD DatePicker save multiple dates

I want that you can add and choose multiple dates. I tried to send a number with the button click button_nr but I don’t know how I can pass it to the on_save function, so that I can change the self.ids.date_label(button_nr).text . If somebody has a better idea how to save multiple dates I’m open for suggestions. Thank you The

Kivy Error when I close the DatePicker (MultiScreen)

I’m trying to learn Kivy. Most stuff works when I just code it separate. But when I combine like MultiScreen with other code I always strugle. Here I want that after closing the DatePicker to change the Text(id: date_label. Same code worked without the MultiScreen Error: line 31, in on_cancel self.root.ids.date_label.text = “Cancel” AttributeError: ‘CreateScreen’ object has no attribute ‘root’

Kivy MDDatePicker – TypeError: __init__() missing 1 required positional argument: ‘callback’ This code is coming from the official presentation page so it may be a Github issue to raise ? The widget is under testing. Therefore, we would be grateful if you would let us know about the bugs found. TypeError: __init__() missing 1 required positional argument: ‘callback’ Answer The MDDatePicker does not work with kivymd-0.104.1. You must install kivymd-0.104.2.dev0

Why my rgb color in Kivymd looks different to real color?

I was changing active color of MDTextFieldRound in Kivymd. I set theme.cls.primary_palette to Teal, and I want to set active color to accent color or lighter color of Teal. So I searched on Google and found many posts about teal color’s accent color. And I want to set color to 102,178,178,1 ( But when I use this code and run:

How to go to second page in kivymd python

I have the first page with login and perform checking on the .py file with database (sqlite3). Now the problem is how do I go to another page after perform the checking. Here I use the sm.windowManager but it does not work and give me a blank page. Is there anything can help me to go to other page on
