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Tag: jpeg

Turning an Open CV frame into a Base64 encoded JPEG

I want to take a frame from an Open CV webcam stream, produce a JPEG thumbnail and then encode it as Base64 (It will then be sent as an MQTT message, but this is not the problem). My Python “sendimage” function is: It seems to work as far as the cv2.imencode, but the base64.b64encode fails with. Exception in thread Thread-1:

PyQt5 – fromIccProfile: failed minimal tag size sanity error

I’m using latest PyQt5 5.12.2 and I’m getting a weird message for every JPG picture that I’m showing in my script using QPixmap or QIcon. It isn’t causing anything and the script works as it should. The problem is that I’m trying to display a huge amount of jpg pictures at the same time (as a photo gallery) so the
