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Tag: huggingface-transformers

Use huggingface transformers without IPyWidgets

I am trying to use the huggingface transformers library in a hosted Jupyter notebook platform called Deepnote. I want to download a model through the pipeline class but unfortunately deepnote does not support IPyWidgets. Is there a way to disable IPywidgets when using transformers? Specifically the below command. And the error I receive. Note: Installing IPyWidgets is not an option

Transformers v4.x: Convert slow tokenizer to fast tokenizer

I’m following the transformer’s pretrained model xlm-roberta-large-xnli example and I get the following error I’m using Transformers version ‘4.1.1’ Answer According to Transformers v4.0.0 release, sentencepiece was removed as a required dependency. This means that “The tokenizers that depend on the SentencePiece library will not be available with a standard transformers installation” including the XLMRobertaTokenizer. However, sentencepiece can be installed

How do I interpret my BERT output from Huggingface Transformers for Sequence Classification and tensorflow?

Short TL;DR: I am using BERT for a sequence classification task and don’t understand the output I get. This is my first post, so please bear with me: I am using bert for a sequence classification task with 3 labels. To do this, I am using huggingface transformers with tensorflow, more specifically the TFBertForSequenceClassification class with the bert-base-german-cased model (yes,

BERT DataLoader: Difference between shuffle=True vs Sampler?

I trained a DistilBERT model with DistilBertForTokenClassification on ConLL data fro predicting NER. Training seem to have completed with no problems but I have 2 problems during evaluation phase. I’m getting negative loss value During training, I used shuffle=True for DataLoader. But during evaluation, when I do shuffle=True for DataLoader, I get very poor metric results(f_1, accuracy, recall etc). But

ValueError: You have to specify either decoder_input_ids or decoder_inputs_embeds

Trying to convert a question-generation t5 model to torchscript model, while doing that Running into this error ValueError: You have to specify either decoder_input_ids or decoder_inputs_embeds here’s the code that I ran on colab. got this error how to resolve this issue? or is there a better way for converting the t5 model to torchscript. thank you. Answer Update: refer
