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Tag: hdf5

Efficiently reading small pieces from multiple h5df files?

I have a hdf5 file every day, which contains compressed data for many assets. Specifically, each h5 file contains 5000 assets, and is organized by key-value structure such as The data of each asset has the same format and size and all together I have around 1000 days of data. Now the task is to do ad-hoc analysis of different

Save a list of dictionaries with numpy arrays

I have a dataset composed as: Each element of the list is a dictionary containing a key “sample” and its value is a numpy array that has shape (2048,3) and the category is the class of that sample. The dataset len is 8000. I tried to save in JSON but it said it can’t serialize numpy arrays. What’s the best

How to use HDF5 dimension scales in h5py

HDF5 has the concept of dimension scales, as explained on the HDF5 and h5py websites. However, the explanations both use terse or generic examples and so I don’t really understand how to use dimension scales. Namely, given a dataset f[‘coordinates’] in some HDF5 file f = h5py.File(‘data.h5’): I’d like to make it clear that the first column is the latitude

Cant install PyTables at windows

I try to install the PyTables module. I use Windows 7 (x32), Python 2.7.3 (x32), Cython 0.16, Visual Studio 2008 (9.0). At cmd.exe ‘run as administrator’ write: ‘python install –hdf5=”C:Program FilesHDF GroupHDF51.8.9″‘. But there are unresolved external symbols and build failed: Answer Installing Python packages with C extensions from source on Windows is difficult. Luckily, there are people who
