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Tag: group-by

How do we get an optimum key value pair from a list of dictionaries in a dataframe column based on certain rules?

I have the following dataframe: Different ‘type’ can occur at the same ‘time’, but the need is to only get the ‘type’ and ‘value’ based on the following conditions: priority 1: the type importance is so as t>o>f priority 2: highest value to be considered from value column I have tried using groupby and dictionary with: grp = merged_df.groupby([‘name’,’time’],as_index=False)[[‘type’,’value’]].apply(lambda x:

Pandas groupby datetime columns by periods

I have the following dataframe: I would like to get for each row (e.g a,b,c,d …) the mean vale between specific hours. The hours are between 9-15, and I want to groupby period, for example to calculate the mean value between 09:00:00 to 11:00:00, between 11- 12, between 13-15 (or any period I decide to). I was trying first to

Django group by Choice Field and COUNT Zeros

Consider the following django model: Now, I’d like to group all Ratings by the number of ratings per category like this: which returns a QuerySets like this: Is there a way to include all not-rated dimensions? To achieve an output like: Answer First we will create a dictionary with counts for all dimensions initialised to 0. Next we will query

Grouping a list of tuple which has two lists based on the second list

I have a sequence is like this, seq = [[[“A”,”AA”,”AB”],[0,1,2,3]], [[“B”,”BB”,”BC”],[1,2,3]], [[“C”,”CA”,”CB”],[0,1,2,3]]] I wanted to convert this to something like below [[[‘A’, ‘AA’, ‘AB’, ‘C’, ‘CA’, ‘CB’], [0, 1, 2, 3]], [[‘B’, ‘BB’, ‘BC’], [1, 2, 3]]] I tried but I am getting like below. Can someone help in achieving the correct results. Answer
