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Tag: graphviz

How to get a Class and Definitions diagram from Python code?

I have a large multi-file Python application I’d like to document graphically. But first, I made a small “dummy” app to test out different UML packages. (Note: I do have graphviz installed and in the path). Here’s my “dummy” code: Here are the different pyreverse command-line codes I’ve used to get varying charts. I’ll post the chart that came closest

Create Python graphviz Digraph with Pandas

I am trying to make a diagram tree in graphviz.Digraph, I am using Pandas dataframe. By the below query, I am getting the processid’s and their dependents id’s in a form of a dictionary But I want the data in below format: Can someone please help me return pandas dataframe output in such format? Answer Are you wanting this: Output:

A series of graphviz diagrams in a single pdf file

I create a graphviz diagram. Using below code. I add nodes … and edges … and then call the below code. It creates me a pdf file and a dot file. network1.view(file_name). This way my diagram becomes very complicated. What I want is, to create a series of network objects instead of one and to visualize them in a single
