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Tag: graph

Contracted nodes automatically in Networkx

I have problem, I wish could automatically merge the nodes by inserting an if condition. I have this dataframe: I created this graph: What I would like is to merge the nodes with Weight <15 and not taking the nodes,,, using an if condition. I tried with this code: But it does not work. I wish it were all

how to convert lists of lists into array in python?

I am calculating the similarity scores for a pair of nodes in a graph, the result is a lists of lists as detailed below: example output here I have each node pair similarity scores How can i put this in matrix form with each column having nodes and rows bare the similarity score? Any help will be much appreciated here

How to connect two nodes if they are disconnected

I use a python NetworkX graph. How to check if 2 nodes are disconnected and then get a new version of the graph where these 2 nodes are connected. The difference between 2 graphs should have min edit distance (Levenshtein distance) Before and after for nodes=[1,2]: | Answer you can also have a condition to check for an edge of

the graphs of the two projectiles does not work properly when complementary angles(eg 30 and 60) are passes to xy_plot1 and xyplot2 function

Answer Be careful! Your theta argument for the xyplot() function is in degrees, but inside your function, the math.sin() function takes the argument for the angle in units of radians. The easiest fix is to provide your theta argument in units of radians instead of degrees. You also don’t need both functions if they do the exact same thing, as

Generate BarGraph from DataFrame

So I have a generated a Disease_Data dataframe that has 2 columns, Location and Data (see below). I wanted to generate a bar graph like below: However, when I tried the code below, things did not work and gave an error: KeyError: ‘Location’ Please help, thank you Answer Just plot the dataframe

Matlab equivalent to Python’s figsize

In Python’s matplotlib.pyplot the figsize command allows you to determine the figure size, eg. Is there an equivalent command in Matlab that does this? These old posts show different solutions but none are as clean as Python’s figsize. Answer Since you aim for saving/exporting your figure, you must pay attention to the right Figure Properties, namely: PaperPosition, PaperSize, and PaperUnits.
