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Tag: google-sheets-api

Can I using Google Sheet API only with API Key or using Client ID and Client secret, but without client_secret.json?

In this provided Python code in this quickstart, it using credentials.json such in this line: I have enabled the Sheet and Drive API. I created credentials from the APIs & Services menu, then on the Credentials tab, click on the CREATE CREDENTIALS button, then click on the OAuth client ID, and on the Application type I selected the Desktop app,

Unable to insert 2d array within gspread

I’m trying to insert a 2D array in order to get two columns inserted into a sheet via gspread. I’m able to insert the individual lists fine, but inserting the array causes an error. Here’s my code. Here’s the value of rows [[[‘$81.57’], [‘$80.91’], [‘$91.63’], [‘$91.63’], [‘$455.20’], [‘$196.90’], [‘$282.60’], [‘$146.10’], [‘$97.22’], [‘$166.70’], [‘$287.30’], [‘$237.50’]], [‘781411’, ‘781415’, ‘781412’, ‘781416’, ‘701355’, ‘701330’,

Authorisation Error 400: redirect_uri_mismatch – cannot generate needed token files for the ezsheets module

I need to use the ezsheets module which requires the use of both Google Drive and Google Spreadsheets APIs. I enabled them and have managed to gain the required credentials, which I passed in the python project folder. According to Google Spreadsheets documentation, the next step should be gaining the two required token files ( one for each API )

Get combined/merged cells value

I’m coding a new python script that need to extract data from google sheets, but there are many cells which are merged/combined, and only the top-left cell from this merge has the value. It’s important to have that value on all the merged cells. How can I do that? Python 3.8.5 + gspread 3.6.0 Note: every comment “trying to get…”,

This operation is not supported for this document – Sheets API

(<class ‘googleapiclient.errors.HttpError’>, <HttpError 400 when requesting returned “This operation is not supported for this document”>, <traceback object at 0x7fbb3dc3bec0>) I am getting this error message when accessing a spreadsheet in Google Sheets, I know that the error occurs because it is hosted on the google drive and is in xlsx format. Does anyone know any alternative to performing this

GSpread Column Sizing

I am trying to adjust the width of columns in a google sheet using GSpread, however I can’t find any documentation on the subject all across the web. I have tried the actual project documents itself, and stack overflow. I have looked through the documentation, and stack overflow, and nobody has asked a question like this before. No code to
