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Tag: google-bigquery

Dataflow BigQuery to BigQuery

I am trying to create a dataflow script that goes from BigQuery back to BigQuery. Our main table is massive and breaks the extraction capabilities. I’d like to create a simple table (as a result of a query) containing all the relevant information. The SQL query ‘Select * from table.orders where paid = false limit 10’ is a simple one

How to run a BigQuery query in Python

This is the query that I have been running in BigQuery that I want to run in my python script. How would I change this/ what do I have to add for it to run in Python. From what I have been researching it is saying that I cant save this query as a permanent table using Python. Is that

Python3 BigQuery or Google Cloud Python through HTTP Proxy

How to route BigQuery client calls through HTTP Proxy ? Before Posting this, I tried following but it is still not routing through http proxy. And the Google Cloud service credentials are set through shell environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS Outgoing traffic ( 172.217.x.x belongs to ) not routing through HTTP Proxy , Answer Answering the question myself as I found
