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Tag: for-loop

Using a for loop to append to arrays in Numpy Python

The code below generates random integers within a given range within the for loop and I want to assign these values to the numpy arrays Values, up_value_one,up_value_two however the for loop below does not work. The Values of the Values, up_value_one,up_value_two are returned as empty arrays. How would I be able to use appender as the variable to append a,b,c

Why my function (f(x)=x*2) doesn’t returns anything?

I know that there are way simpler ways to calculate the square of a number and store it in an array, but for the sake of another problem. I need to understand why nothing happens in this code and its structure (is the return(a) necessary ?): The goal is to store the square in sol : sol = [1,4,9,16,25]. But

Python – How to loop through each index position in a list?

Given a list [[[“source1”], [“target1”], [“alignment1”]], [“source2”], [“target2”], [“alignment2”]], …] , I want to extract the words in the source that align with the words in the target. For example, in the English-German sentence pair The hat is on the table . – Der Hut liegt auf dem Tisch ., I want to print the following: So I have written
