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Tag: fb-hydra

Hydra combine lists in config

Say I have the following hydra config test.yaml: is it possible to merge list1 and list2 into a new list that contains [0,1,2,3], perhaps using variable interpolation? Here is the hydra code: Attempt (failed): list3 gives [0,[1,2,3]] The reason I want this is because I have some lists of unknown length in other config files and want to merge them

When using the optuna plugin for hydra, can I import the search space from another config file?

I want to hyper-parameter optimize multiple time series forecasting models on the same data. I’m using the Optuna Sweeper plugin for Hydra. The different models have different hyper-parameters and therefore different search spaces. At the moment my config file looks like this: Now, when I run the file with –multirun, I get the optimal hyper-parameters for Ets. Great. But

Restrict possible values in hydra structured configs

I try to adopt my app for hydra framework. I use structured config schema and I want to restrict possible values for some fields. Is there any way to do that? Here is my code: configs/config.yaml: Answer A few options: 1) If your acceptable values are enumerable, use an Enum type: If no fancy logic is needed to validate
