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Tag: environment-variables

docker compose .env variables not set

I have the following docker-compose.yml: In my .env file I have the following: This is to start up a flask api, but what I get when I run the container with: docker compose –env-file .env up –build or docker-compose –env-file .env up –build is this: The api insists on starting on suggesting that the environment variables are not set

Get environment variables in a cloud function

I have a Cloud Function in GCP that queries BigQuery in a specific project/environment. As I have multiple environments I would like to get the current project/environment of the cloud function. This is so that I can access BigQuery in the corresponding environment. Of course I could just hardcode the project_id, but I would like to do this programmatically. According

How to set environment variables in PyCharm?

I have started to work on a Django project, and I would like to set some environment variables without setting them manually or having a bash file to source. I want to set the following variables: I have read this, but that does not solve what I want. In addition, I have tried setting the environment variables in Preferences-> Build,
