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Tag: encoding

How to use get_dummies or one hot encoding to encode a categorical feature with multiple elements?

I’m working on a dataset which has a feature called categories. The data for each observation in that feature consists of semi-colon delimited list eg. Rows categories Row 1 “categorya;categoryb;categoryc” Row 2 “categorya;categoryb” Row 3 “categoryc” Row 4 “categoryb;categoryc” If I try pd.get_dummies(df,columns=[‘categories’]) I get back columns with the entirety of the data as the column named e.g a column

Python 3.8: Escape non-ascii characters as unicode

I have input and output text files which can contain non-ascii characters. Sometimes I need to escape them and sometimes I need to write the non-ascii characters. Basically if I get “Bürgerhaus” I need to output “Bu00FCrgerhaus”. If I get “Bu00FCrgerhaus” I need to output “Bürgerhaus”. One direction goes fine: however in the other direction I do not get the

How to recognise different csv encodings?

I am not sure if it’s with the encoding itself however this is my problem; I would expect it to print this: However it does not recognise any of the Japanese characters and rather comes up with The encoding I used on the csv file was ISO2022. My question is, is there a way to make this appear properly? Answer

Python UTF-16 unicode conversion

I’m using the below code to convert Arabic to Unicode UTF-16. for example I have an Arabic text as مرحبا this code provide Unicode string as 0x6450x6310x62d0x6280x627 The format in which I need Unicode is u0645u0631u062du0628u0627 I want to replicate this website using the above method I’m using replace method to convert 0x format to u0 format but 0x format

Python – Unicode De/Encode

How can I pass all the content from making a db-input(s1), loading it from there (s2) and pass it correctly back-formated to the file? Log: EDIT: I am working on windows. Answer The problem is that you open the file in text mode, but don’t specify the encoding. In that case the system default encoding is used, which may be

Writing Arabic in Pycharm console

In PyCharm I have no problem in printing Arabic in the console, but the problem that I can’t write in Arabic. Instead it is written as weird symbols. How can I fix it? Answer It’s likely that you’re using some weird encoding, try to change your file encoding to UTF-8 or UTF-16: more info:   If that doesn’t work
