I have a Django 1.8 application with a PostgreSQL database. I run the django inspectdb from the command line to examine models for the views, but the views don’t show up in the model output. Here’s the version output: And here’s what psql sees: From the django 1.8.2 documentation: How can I get the PostgreSQL views to appear in the
Tag: django
When are create and update called in djangorestframework serializer?
I’m currently implementing djangorestframework for my app RESTful API. After playing around with it, I still do not clearly understand what .create(self, validated_data) and .update(self, validated_data) used for in the serializer. As I understand, CRUD only calls the 4 main methods in viewsets.ModelViewSet: create(), retrive(), update(), and destroy(). I also have already tried to debug and print out stuff to
How to display all model fields with ModelSerializer?
models.py: serializers.py: So, here I want to use all fields. But I have an error: Field name producer_id is not valid for model Car. How to fix that? Thanks! Answer According to the Django REST Framework’s Documentation on ModelSerializers: By default, all the model fields on the class will be mapped to a corresponding serializer fields. This is different than
InvalidBasesError: Cannot resolve bases for []
When I run tests I get this error during database initialization: I created this proxy for contrib.auth Group model to place it in my app in django admin: So what can I do to fix this issue? Answer After a lot of digging on this the only thing that worked for me was comment out the offending apps, run migrations,
django mongo engine – DatabaseError: Unknown option auto_start_request
After going into the django shell and creating the following entry: i am not able to use i am getting the following error message My folder structure is as follows: The versions used are: Is there anything i am missing? Can somebody please help me on what the problem is? i am new to django and mongodb. I am not
Setting up MongoDB + Django
I am new to Mongo DB and Django. I’ve been trying to use Mongo DB as my primary Database for Django. I’ve installed MongoDB and Django-nonrel as per the following link: Django – MongoDB setup The version of django-nonrel, i am using is 1.7. Clone link to it: pip install git+https://github.com/django-nonrel/django@nonrel-1.7 After following all steps, my settings.py in the django
Django error: relation “users_user” does not exist
I’m getting the following error during migration: django.db.utils.ProgrammingError: relation “users_user” does not exist This is my model: Settings: Anything I have missed? Answer Inside your user app, you should have a folder migrations. It should only contain 0001_initial.py and __init__.py. Is that correct? Try running ./manage.py sqlmigrate user 0001_initial and see what it does, because thats where the error comes
How to run tests django rest framework tests?
I’m learning django rest framework. I wrote a simple test like this: my api returns empty json array for that request. What i don’t know is, how do i run this test? when i use this command: i get as output. It’s not written in documentation to how to run the tests. Answer I believe your test methods need to
Django 1.7: how to make ManyToManyField required?
I have a Django Model with ManyToManyField in it. I need to require user to select at least one M2M value in this field. I tried to set blank=False to M2M field but it didn’t help. I can solve this situation with custom Form definition or with override save() method for Person model. Is it possible to prevent create Person
Django: How to apply conditional attribute to HTML element in template?
I have a checkbox in my Django jinja template. I want that checkbox to be checked if object boolean field is True. My html element looks like: The problem is, checkbox is still checked when attribute checked=”False”, it’s becomes unchecked only when the checked attribute is not there. So what i need is, put checked attribute into the html element